DN Specifications Interpretations

I. Fittings

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Effective May 31, 2020

I. Fittings

9/23/57: An adjustable footrest may be used.

9/23/57: Shock absorbing steering chock steering chock must be according to plan, but springs or rubber grommet may be added as shock absorber.

11/10/73 & 11/14/88: There is no limit to the number of holes in the tack fitting. Tack pin location may not be changed during a regatta.

11/10/73: It is not allowed to have two holes in the chock.

11/10/73: The number of straps on the mast hound is optional.

11/23/87: It is not allowed to use a long fitting to connect the mast hound with the head stay so that the position of the mast hound can be moved (within the allowed dimensions) with out having to make a new stay.

4/15/90: The degree to which the side runner pivots vertically in the chock may be restricted only by way of the friction on the sides of the chock which is controlled only by the tightening of the pivot bolt. Any other device to restrict the vertical movement of the runner is not allowed, with the exception of devices as allowed in Specification I.12.

11/12/03: It is allowed to use a fixture providing additional height to mount the rear sheet blocks to the deck. This fixture must be mounted on the surface of the deck and may not be integral with the deck structure. This fixture must provide a fixed position for the block attachment (the blocks may not be moved while underway)

12/12/07: “Kent” style chock – Either the inside or outside flange of the side chock may be reduced in size to allow clearance for runner stiffening elements. When viewed from the side, the profile of the chock must meet all dimensions specified.

1/15/2010: The reinforcement bar or stiffening element that is associated with the “Kent” style chock is allowed to be attached only to the runner and must meet all requirements of a runner stiffener. Reference Specifications E. 1.e; E. 1.f.; E. 4; and Interpretations E. Runners, 11/14/89; E. Runners 7/1/92; E. Runners 1/15/2010.

12/01/2012: It is allowed for there to be more than one position for the mast hound or an adjustable fitting with multiple positions, providing the location of the lower mast hound bolt (pivot bolt) is within the range specified in H.13. The position may not be adjusted while the yacht is underway.

9/20/2013: The bow tang, reference specification I.14 must be mounted at the forward most (bow) end of the fuselage and all parts of the tang, with the exception of the fastenings attaching it to the fuselage, must be outside the fuselage.


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